
atomic honey office

Origin Story

Atomic Honey was born from the simple need of one successful entrepreneur. That need was a better solution to the constant revolving door of agencies and consultants hired to tackle all things marketing. Making the decision to look inward, Atomic Honey was launched as that initial marketing support system.

Despite the normal growing pains that come with any new venture, Atomic Honey swiftly attracted outside clients, which enabled the agency to grow and diversify the client roster.

Our Philosophy

Marketing is no longer linear, static or siloed. It’s dynamic, boundless and constant. We are connected more so than at any point in recent history, which is compounded by an unprecedented number of tools available to market your business or brand. This, of course, is all set against an infinite digital backdrop that is ever evolving, which means businesses and brands need to compete harder for both dollars and mindshare.

Hidden within this fragmented, shifting universe are some tried and true principles that endure, namely authenticity, consistency, clarity and empathy. It’s at this unique intersection where technology and creativity intersect that businesses and brands need to live.

We understand business, and we understand the inherent challenges of generating revenue – we’re entrepreneurs at our core. As such, we don’t take our client’s marketing dollars for granted, and we don’t automatically opt for what’s trending. Just like everything in life, every business or brand faces unique challenges, and we strive to make our solutions the most impactful and cost effective based on a thorough understanding of our client’s needs and objectives.

Our Approach

It’s odd to think that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Technology has accelerated nearly everything, creating the false illusion that quick results can be easily attained. Despite the upside of technology and automation, there is still no replacement for the ‘human’ component of marketing. Regardless of industry, product or available tools, we approach each client and project with the desire to first understand. This is the only way to both truly understand and build the necessary rapport to establish a partnership.

Our approach pulls from two primary philosophies, with targeted, quality content being the common denominator. The first is Full Stack Marketing. Inspired by the tech term “full stack developer”, this term
signifies marketers who handle a wide array of marketing tasks, or the “full stack.”

The second is a strategic framework used to categorize media into earned, owned and paid. The model helps organizations understand and navigate how different media channels work together to reach consumers and can help identify opportunities to integrate additional channels into programs.