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it's really simple

Our story is rooted in yours. Everything we’ve done and will do is about you and your goals. 

Atomic Honey’s job is to listen, learn, and then get to work helping shape and amplify your brand voice, so we can reach the right customers – efficiently – and drive your brand’s growth.

Together, we can be a relentless force that launches your brand into its rightful place in the industry. (Which usually means thumbing the category leader.)

the results are buzz worthy


One of the TOP 3 food trucks (it’s actually a legit restaurant) in the country approached Atomic Honey to help direct the strategy and creative behind their growing social media presence.

What was already a powerful voice became sharpened and amplified, helping grow awareness around a true world-changer brand. 

You can do well by doing good, and Detroit 75 is putting in the work to prove it.


There is something extra special about being able to help an organization whose mission is to help others.

No one can doubt that the Ferndale Pride team has the passion and the will to make it a success, but having a few extra hands (and a fabulous marketing strategy) can go a long way…

… and result in record-breaking attendance numbers.



Ever get to the golf course only to discover the green covered with leaves and debris? Yeah… us, too. 

Luckily, there’s a new product on the market that cannot wait to make headache-inducing little messes a thing of the past. 

Before that, however, they needed some strategy and design to really wow the crowd.


Old Nation Brewing could already boast the title of being some of Michigan’s most-popular IPAs but was looking for help in reaching beer lovers in every crevice of the state (and beyond).

That’s where Atomic Honey came in, with a traditional and digital strategy that sent numbers through the roof. 

If you want buzz, we’ll give you buzz.



A new season, a new arena, and an all-new team is a lot for one year, but the Grand Rapids Gold wasn’t going to let a fear of change slow them down.

With a recent move to downtown Grand Rapids, the team was in need of a multi-layered marketing strategy to get butts in seats.

Luckily, Atomic Honey was more than up for the challenge.

Green door distilling co.

There is nothing quite like the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes, right? Thus is the tale of Green Door Distilling.

A brand that was down on its luck and in desperate need of a refresh, strategic direction, and the right means to discover its jaunty, Prohibition-Era voice.

Do you know the secret knock?


When we started working with RAIR, we knew it wouldn’t be easy to reach and activate consumers who are bombarded with cannabis messaging and loyal to other dispensary brands. 

Mix in the advertising restrictions governing the cannabis industry, and we knew we had to get real fancy to achieve the client’s goals.

undrafted by ben wallace

When your favorite cannabis brand asks you to work with their business partner on a creating new cannabis brand, you say hell yes. 

Then when they say that partner is NBA Hall of Fame and Detroit Pistons legend Ben Wallace, you get your ass to work. Because that’s what Ben would do. 

Here’s what happened.


This is a story about finding cost effective opportunities to grow a food brand from a regional name into what’s quickly becoming a national phenomenon.

The products are incredible. The strategy is tight and nimble. The results speak for themselves.


This love affair burned hot from the beginning. We fell in love with their story, and that lit a flame in us that was hard to ignore – but easy to fan into something much more productive for the client.

This is a study in achieving a whole lot with very little. You’d be surprised what a little ingenuity will do for an advertising strategy. (Or you won’t, which is why you’re here in the first place.) 

We love honey

Honey has been around for millennia, but the actual sale of honey hasn’t always been as easy as grabbing a jar off the shelf. In fact, beekeepers once went to extreme lengths to advertise their products to potential consumers. To what lengths, you ask? In the early 1800s, certain honey vendors donned “bee beards” in order to draw a crowd and speak to the masses about the incredible medicinal properties of their honey. 

And, in case you were wondering, a “bee beard” is exactly what it sounds like. The vendor would hold or temporarily fasten the queen bee under his chin, causing her colony of workers to cluster around her. This early form of marketing certainly made an impact, and honey demand started to soar. While donning a face full of insects has never been part of any current strategies we’ve devised, the inspiration behind it still drives us.


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